Question 17 - First aid
What First Aid evidence do I need to submit?
First Aid qualification held
If a column refers to a Level 1 or 2 person you can ignore this question for that person. Provide copies of current 16 hour First Aid qualification certificates for all level 3 practitioners. Best practice is for this to include an outdoor element AND if you work with pre-pubescent children, the qualification must include a paediatric element. Ideally your training complies with the IOL statement of good practice for Outdoor First Aid at Band 3:
It is considered good practice for Forest School Practitioners to hold a first aid qualification that includes an outdoor element and we strongly recommend, when the time comes to renew qualifications, that Recognised Providers book onto an Outdoor First Aid or Forest School First Aid course.
Please submit a copy of your First Aid Certificates and record the associated file name(s) ion your application form. If the evidence you submit is not an Outdoor First Aid or Forest School First Aid certificate, please submit additional evidence to confirm that the first aid training course i) had a minimum 16 hour duration ii) contained paediatric elements (if required for your clientele) and iii) had an outdoor element.