This course has been designed to offer additional support to Level 3 practitioners going through the process of applying to become an FSA Recognised FS Provider.
You can take each of the main questions below in turn and click to view a short explanatory video that will help you to i) understand our benchmark and b) evidence that your practice meets our benchmark.
The tips contained in this resource will help you to submit an successful application.
Remember you can access additional content by clicking on the downward arrow at the bottom of the course curriculum.
Course Curriculum
Hello, I'm Nell Seal.
I look after the Recognised FS Provider scheme for the FSA. I inherited the scheme from my predecessor Lisa in the autumn of 2018. We decided to put the scheme on hold so that we could review the process, materials and benchmarks. We consulted the FSA community about what they wanted from the scheme and there were around 350 responses. We used themes arising from this survey to develop the scheme and we re-launched it in the autumn of 2019. I am passionate about making the scheme accessible and manageable, and I want the benchmarks to be clear. I am a Level 3 FS Practitioner myself. I really enjoy supporting FS Practitioners through the process of becoming FSA Recognised and I learn so much through my conversations with you all.