Question 20 - CPD
What CPD am I expected to have engaged with?
Describe the CPD you have taken part in to help develop your Forest School skills and understanding over the last 2 years.
You only need submit information for Level 3 qualified practitioners.
If you have more than four Level 3 staff please append an additional sheet detailing their CPD log(s).
CPD can include face to face courses, attendance at conferences and accredited online courses, attendance at local groups, online forums, reading books/journals/online content, participating in projects, discussions with peers and attending skills-sharing sessions.
The log needs to provide examples of CPD that specifically relates to your FS practice and that has been undertaken in the last 2 years or if you are newly qualified, any CPD that has been undertaken since qualifying. Please do not include training relating to achieving Forest School qualifications or First Aid in this section.
If you are referring to informal CPD such as books, journals and/or contributions to social media groups/forums you need only give an approximate date.