Question 13 - Your FS qualifications
Do the FSA recognise your Level 3 qualification?
Level of Forest School qualification held
Please enter either level 1, 2 or 3 if applicable for the people named in question 12. For those people with level 3 qualifications we need to see a copy of their Level 3 certificate. The copy can be a clear photograph or scan.
Please read the following information carefully to check that your Forest School qualification is acceptable (more detail can be found by visiting
All Forest School qualifications awarded before 1st December 2018 will be accepted.
For qualifications awarded between 1st December 2018 and 31st August 2019 the following are acceptable:
- the legacy FSA endorsed Level 3 Forest School qualification (QCF – 'Certificate in Forest School Programme Practitionership’)
- the updated FSA endorsed Level 3 Forest School qualification (RQF – ‘Certificate for Forest School Practitioners')
- Agored qualifications
- SCQF Forest School qualification (Forest School and Outdoor Learning Leader SCQF Level 8)
For qualifications awarded after 1st September 2019 the following are acceptable:
- the updated FSA endorsed Level 3 Forest School qualification (RQF – ‘Certificate for Forest School Practitioners')
- Agored qualifications
- SCQF Forest School qualification (Forest School and Outdoor Learning Leader SCQF Level 8)